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Why you should run your ads at the weekend?

There are many different opinions, how when and where the best to start promoting your products. There are no right answer in general. The truth is - To figure out when to run your ads, you need to have a deep understanding of your business, your industry, and your customer.

Here in Mirelia we're experienced in the dating vertical the most.

Why Should You Run Dating Campaigns on Weekends?

Let's look at your tracker :)

Understanding industry statistics like these are valuable, but it’s still not enough. You have to know your business inside and out:

What days do you get the most sales?
What time of day do you get more leads?
When do you generate the highest number of email sign-ups?

You've noted for sure that at the weekend your costs may grow, but users more active too. And this is the golden time to earn as much as possible.

You'd get higher traffic volume. MA ad traffic may behave differently than other kinds of traffic if you don't think about clicks like real persons. Let's visualize our 35-55 years old men. He feels lonely or bored and don't mind to spend more time on dating websites. He's very open to treat himself with new subscription to get pleasant conversation wit beautiful women.

Your ads will show earlier and you'll get fresher impressions/clicks because of less competitive level. There are lots of marketers, who pause their eds to save budgets.

Tip 1! Use Day-parting

Did you know that at the new DSP you can set your Mirelia ad campaigns to run at one time of day and not another? That you can make sure your ads aren’t being served at a time of day when people probably aren’t likely to take the action you want them to?

Mirelia ad scheduling is one of my absolute favorite things about creating campaigns in the DSP. There’s nothing I love more than making decisions about when and how to spend my money!

Use analytics to find the best time to run your ads and don't be afraid too spend some extras to make splits.

Tip 2! Don't forget about the First January Sunday!

It is the sweetest time to all marketers starts on the First January Sunday and ends after Valentines Day.

Historically the first Sunday of January has been the start of the new Dating seasons. Many web-sites and apps detect the highest swipe activity. Why is it so? Simple:) On the New Years night people usually makes promises about their life. Spending the holidays alone can be a wakeup call for singles who find themselves dateless. It is kind of fresh start to get better life. So don't hesitate to use this opportunity and get more customers and sales.